DD is 3 yrs and 2 mths old now, she generally is a good sleeper, sleep in her own room and self settle since 4 mths old. We had SR several times, she would wake up at night everyday during this 4-6 week period, after it passed, she would turn back to normal and wouldn’t NW even when routine changed for some reason or spend a tired day.
But since she was almost 3, she started to wake up at night occitionally. If it happens everyday I will see it as another SR. But it happens without no pattern. I just don’t get it.
She takes nap on random days now, normally 2-3 times per week. It happened half year ago, so it does not seem like a transition problem.
Sometimes she had a very tired day but she sleep good. Sometimes she just stayed at home with me for the whole day and did some quiet activities and she would wake up. So it doesn’t seem like related to overtired or bad dream.
When she wakes up she would ask someone to sit or lie down with her for 1 minutes and then go back to sleep very soon.
Can anybody give some advice please.