Author Topic: Oh the 45minute naps :( HELP PLEASE!  (Read 1586 times)

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Oh the 45minute naps :( HELP PLEASE!
« on: January 27, 2018, 01:42:21 am »
Hi Mama’s!
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and for your suggestions!

I’m hoping to get some help with my 4 month old daughter. She’s a spirited one who likes to keep me on my toes. We had a pretty rough start with colic, reflux, and breastfeeding problems from day one. We did EAT-ACTIVITY-SLEEP from the get-go, although there were of course days here and there that we “broke the rules”. At 2 months of age, at the peak of some feeding issues (related to latching; refused bottle, etc., etc.) , I realized that her wake times weren’t right for her age and we decided to damage control and hold her for naps (also when colic peaked). We were just surviving, but actually was able to keep a decent 3-hour schedule and kept to the EAT-ACTIVITY-SLEEP. She has always been a spirited day sleeper, but did great at night.
Thankfully, things got better a little bit each day and eventually the breastfeeding was mastered and the colic & reflux disappeared! Unfortunately, around the same time, more and more we began to experience the 45-minute intruder. Slowly, but surely, it reeked havoc on our schedule, until eventually we didn’t really have one. We did still at least stick to EAT-ACTIVITY-SLEEP. Almost a month ago, she started sleeping through the night with a dreamfeed. She wakes up once or twice during the night and always puts herself back to sleep (actually has for over a month). Previously, I put her in the crib asleep at night. About 2 weeks ago, we did P.U.P.D. for naps and nighttime. She got the nighttime thing down in about 3 nights. Days, it took a few, and most of the time she has no problem.
Now, the issue is EVERY NAP is 40-45minutes. P.U.P.D. didn’t work to lengthen the naps (she only passed out from exhaustion with initial implementation of training). She wakes up crying, is clearly tired, but will NOT go back to sleep. We’ve tried shhh & pat, a pacifier, putting a hand on her at 30minutes to guide through the cycles. I’ve also tried 20 minutes of “quiet awake” time then trying to get her back to sleep but no luck.
I could handle the 45-minute nap, except that by the end of the day she is exhausted and often ends up skipping a nap (meaning awake 2.5+hrs, and just crying instead.
Does anyone have any insight or ideas?
I don’t think its over-tired or under-tired. She is very distinct on sleepy cues and I am very vigilant of her “sleep window”. Almost an hour to the minute after waking she yawns, I pick her up, and we slowly and gently make our way up to her room. It’s a darkened room, with white noise. We sing a little lullaby, I hold her for 5-6 minutes (usually all it takes), she sucks her hands and babbles while doing “the stare,” at which I put her in the crib. The first few naps she goes to sleep right on her own. Sometimes some fussing involved. As the day progresses, there is more and more crying while going down, then by the end it's a skipped nap.
I was feeding her after waking, but even that isn’t working because she isn't hungry (no surprise really; a 45-minute nap meant feeding every 2hours). I’ve tried Feed- activity-45 nap-activity-45min nap- Feed, but sometimes she decides she’s hungry for Part2 of the nap.
I’m running in circles driving myself crazy trying to find a solution to the 45 minute naps, and even if there is no “fix”, how to maintain a routine & schedule (even a flexible one!).

Thank you all SO SO much for your input!

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Re: Oh the 45minute naps :( HELP PLEASE!
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2018, 22:19:40 pm »
Hello and welcome to BW forums :)

It looks to me like your LO's A time might be too short. Although you have not said exactly how long she is awake it looks like maybe an hour and then a short wind down so perhaps 1hr 10 or 1hr 20 awake?  At 4 months the guidance A time is 1hr 45 to 2hrs, here is a link to guidance times:
If I am right and your current time is around 1hr 10 then you couldn't want to move directly to 2hrs but instead you can increase by 15-20 mins every couple of days.  I would probably move to 1hr 30 for a couple of days then move to 1hr 45 and wait several days to see how things settle down.  If it doesn't improve at 1hr 45 after a week I'd try an extra 5 or 10 mins. each LO is different so as you get closer to the guidance time you can just increase a smaller amount.  Some can need more than the 2hrs which would also be OK.

During the routine changes you will need to just fit in the feeds where they are appropriate, there is no need to feed after every waking but just try not to feed to sleep, a little A time between E and S is fine (such as a nappy change then move to your wind down).  This is also the time when many LOs move to 4hrly E so keep that in mind too, when they are asleep they can usually last longer between E (not all though so it is fine if it turns out your LO can't make it to 4hrs for E).

During the routine changes you can use the W2S again (begin shush/pat before she wakes or just as she starts to stir) be in the room ready so she doesn't fully wake and doesn't get to call out, keep going with it if it seems she might go back to sleep.  If she is totally awake and not having any of it then perhaps stop at say 20 mins as that's a pretty good go.  Time her A from when she woke whether it's a short or long nap.  If you feel you can't manage the W2S on every nap just try it for the first nap of the day to get one nap extended at a time.

With regards to the yawning.  At 4 months your LOs tired signs can be misleading, at this age LOs will yawn if they are bored or want a change of scene or activity - confusing I know!  If it is not near to the planned sleep time on an age appropriate A time then the chances are she needs a change of activity rather than a nap.  You can try handing her a different toy to explore/hold or taking her into a different room for a look around.  She will likely perk up.  In time you will start to get to know the real tired signs and the boredom signs (or you will know based on the clock time).
LOs can also be in the habit of sleeping at a certain time so can show tired signs and willingly go to sleep at the early time but then don't sleep long enough so are not refreshed.

Hope this helps. Please feel free to ask more questions and let us know how you get on.

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Re: Oh the 45minute naps :( HELP PLEASE!
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2018, 00:01:33 am »
This was our experience - and what brought me to the BW forums in the first place, nearly 16 years ago! (Yes, this "baby" turns 16 TOMORROW!  :o)

See if anything here is helpful - good luck! :)

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Re: Oh the 45minute naps :( HELP PLEASE!
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2018, 18:48:35 pm »
Wow deb 16!!!  :o :o
Happy birthday to your not-so-little-one :)