Shes fixed, phew. Took a month!
She really doesn’t swallow very much, I just put her in her chair when we eat and give her a few bits of food. 90 percent lands up mooshed into her face or on the floor.
Just one final question, not related to the previous problem though.
We have been working on trying to get me a bit more sleep. I’ve noticed she’s disturbed when I go to bed at 10pm so I’ve been going to sleep on the sofa. DH has been doing a df or normal NF (depends what comes first) with expressed bm. Then I do the next feed around 4am.
I have a freezer stash but she refuses the defrosted milk. I’ve tried scalding a batch and frozen it, will see if that makes a difference. Unfortunately some days I just can’t pump at all or not enough for a night bottle. Do you think it’s ok if I give formula? She’s 7 months old, my supply is more than enough and she gets 4-5 day feeds and I’d be doing at least one, if not two NF anyway? I’m a bit torn up about it. DD1 never got formula but she drank the freezer milk, I had enough to keep giving her 3 months after I stopped bf! This lo won’t even have the freezer stuff in oatmeal! Really bummed, have about 30 bags of 150ml in the freezer that will go down the drain now.