My son will be 12 months on the 13th of February.
For the past month( around) he started waking early anything from 4.50 am ,5 am 5.30 am.
Firstly I thought it's because he learnt how to really pull himself up from lying down and he got very mobile on his bum During day so he just wants to practice it. But it's been going a while now and he despite my best efforts can't go back to sleep. When he wakes i dont out any lights on or talk just shush and try getting him back to sleep if it fails or he wakes again after 15 mins I take him to my bed. He used to fall back asleep and have another hour or more but not anymore.
So the day looks like this:
5.30 to 6am to we are out of bed
Followed by milk,nappy changing get and dress up
7 breakfast
8.30 school run ( sometime s if he wakes proper early he falls asleep in pram)
9.15 to 9.30 nap for 1 hour or more
11 milk and snack
12.15 lunch
1pm to 1.30 nap for 1.30h sometimes longer
3 pm sometimes 4 milk
5 dinner
6.15 bath
6.30 to 6.45 milk
In bed after that so near 7
He is constantly teething and dentist told me all his molars are on the move
I am wondering if maybe he wakes cos he's hungry as there is just no way he wants me to settle him back and keeps crying until we get up or maybe my routine needs adjusting?
He still needs two naps for sure as he shows loads of signs of being tired.
Hope someone can advise.
Thank you