Author Topic: 6MO Naps gone stange  (Read 1237 times)

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6MO Naps gone stange
« on: January 29, 2018, 14:54:02 pm »
Hi - decided to take the plunge as I need help. My 6MO is a good sleeper and is doing really well with the weaning but pretty much from 4m onwards his daytime naps have been getting shorter and shorter. I'm confused as to whether he's UT/OT or needs to move from 3:2 naps - can anyone help?

He sleeps without any wakes from 6.45pm-6.45am and has a dream feed about 9ish of 3oz/whatever he hasn't finished from his bedtime feed - some days wants it all/others not so much depending on how much food he's taken.  When he wakes from his naps he's always cheery and happy but starts whinging later so I think he does need to sleep in total more in the day.

our days look something like the following:

Awake/Eat - 6.45am - milk feed
Eat - solids 8.30am
Sleep 9am
Awake 9.30am (latest)
Eat solids - 11.15am
Milk before putting down at 12.15
Sleep 12.30
Awake 13.45
Eat milk (sometimes) - 3pm - a couple of oz
Sleep - CN 4pm (about 20 mins)
Eat solids - 5pm
6.15 - wind down bedtime/bathtime with milk
6.45 sleep

Any suggestions to get him to extend his naps? I think that the short morning nap makes him OT for the rest of the day but I don't know how to work it. I have a 21m old so am keen to preserve the lunchtime nap so that they both sleep at the same time!

All help much appreciated.

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Re: 6MO Naps gone stange
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2018, 21:56:12 pm »
Hi there, welcome to BW forums :)
Looks like your LO needs a longer A time, at this age many are moving or have moved to 2 naps instead of 3 and the 2 longer naps give better sleep than having the short CNs.  I'm not sure you'll be able to work it so that both your LOs go down for a nap at lunch time though. I can see the attraction so that you get some Y time but if it's not possible you might find you enjoy having the 1:1 time with each of them whilst the other naps.