Hi there,
I've posted about short naps as LO does only 30-45min naps during the day. Her A time is right so we're working on extending with W2S and getting her used to falling asleep alone in a room.
But now I wonder if she isn't OT all day due to a bedtime that's too late. What makes me wonder is that she used to be very noisy and fidgety for the second half of the night but since she's started going for a longer first stretch (7h to 8h), she's also restless during the first part. It's a mix of moving around/doing little cries while asleep and waking up/struggling for up to 50min to go back to sleep by herself (but she eventually does). She only sleeps deeply and soundly for the first 2-3h of the night. She doesn't seem as rested and I'm definitely not.
Now, the thing is, she is awake for far too long in the evenings but I don't know how to get around that. She totally refuses to nap/catnap after 6.30pm. If I'm lucky I get a nap there just in time to bring her to 7pm but there are days where her timings mean that she wakes from her last nap at 5.30 or 6pm and she won't go back down for another nap later. That's a long gap until bedtime which is at 10pm.

We don't chose that time, it's her natural rhythm: it used to be midnight until three weeks ago when it moved to 11pm and ten days ago we've brought it to 10pm. This week I've been trying to put her to bed at 9pm with mixed results: she went down at 9.30pm once but yesterday she fought it and fell asleep at 10.30pm instead. She doesn't cry when she's awake, more looking sad and tired. She still cluster feeds.a bit before bed.
Every day is a bit different and we're not on a 3h EASY yet but for example the 9.30pm day looked like this:
E 08.35
A 08.50
S 10.04
A 10.42
E 11.40
A 11.52
S 12.00
A 12.40
E 14.08
A 14.13
S 14.49 (took a little while to settle)
A 15.31
E 16.27
A 16.33
S 17.33 (took a while to settle)
A 18.18
E 18.56
A 19.12 (just sitting in bouncer while we were eating dinner)
20.00 bath (brought forward from 8.30 due to early nap)
E 20.30 (long 35min feed in dark bedroom)
S 21.46 (in bed trying to settle for 40min)
Slept through until 6.45am (10h is unheard of but might be because of her jabs) but was restless.
We've tried in the past for a bedtime 1h30 after the last nap.(7-8ish) but she screams her head off just like for catnaps. It seems a bit of a witching hour for sleep.
Also, we're a bit scared to bring bedtime earlier and disturb the fact that she's now sleeping through! Although I might preferred being woken up once for a feed if she was less restless and therefore gave us both better quality sleep.
I'm planning on trying to bring bedtime earlier by 15min every couple of days and see if that works. Does it sound like the right plan?