
You're absolutely ready to move towards dropping the CN! Your routine is picture perfect for a 4 month old... your baby isn't 4 months old any more. You sound like you're doing a great job and just need a little reassurance and guidance, which we can provide.
She's waking as early at 6a. I usually leave her in bed until 7a no matter what. She doesn't cry, she just lays there and coos. But this early wake is throwing off all the naps and she's exhausted by 815 and can't make it to nap time at 9 so the whole day gets moved up
She's trying really hard to make those A times longer! What's her nap like then? How long? Any wakings?
Should I get her up and go with the flow the rest of the day?
Yes, this will make things easier for everyone. There's nothing that says 7am is the magic time when all babies should wake. If it fits in with your family's life to get up at 6:30 when she wakes, do that.
I'm a first time mama so I'm really at a loss of how to go about doing this without getting into her being very OT.
Totally understand you being worried about OT. UT naps can produce OT though, so you've got to keep those A times increasing as your LO grows so they stay appropriate because a little OT for one nap is a very different thing from chronic OT from lots of UT naps. Both can be fixed with child-appropriate routines and time, babies are very difficult to break.
The basic facts as I see them are:
- Your routine currently has 2hr A times and your baby is very used to those.
- Your baby seems quite adaptable (most babies will scream and play up way before now if their routine is not right for them).
- Average A time at this age is 2:30-2:45
I therefore see a couple of options:
- Fix the routine in one big jump of 45mins A time which will result in some OT nap wakings that you can probably resettle and all should be sorted in a week or so. This option does have some OT involved and you have to stick with it or your days can get very messy very quickly.
- Increase A time by 15mins every 3-4 days and you should be just about caught up to where she needs to be in 3-4 weeks. This option runs the risk of being very complex with OT/UT loops establishing and patterns not being reliable to tweak routine.
- Somewhere in the middle of the road is to do one big jump of 30mins in A time, then increase by 15mins after 4-7 days if necessary. This runs both risks stated above, depending upon the child but I suspect might work nicely for your LO as I have a feeling she may be on the lower end of average A times given her age and current routine.
I think nap transitions may be tricky for you because they've been a bit late and done when things are already a bit wonky. Would I be right in thinking that? Its much easier if you increase A time gradually than in big jumps... If you look at average A times going from 1.5hr at 3 months to 2:45-3hr at 6 months, that's about 15mins increase per fortnight.
Hugs, lovely xx We can get this sorted together