WU 545, She showed signs of trying to go back to sleep and even dozed off a few times so I didn't get her until she cried out at 645a
E 650a
A very fussy, rubbing eyes, crying
S 850a-1030a
E 1045a
A less fussy but still not her normal happiness
S 1:20p-255p
E 3p
A seemed pretty happy during this time
S 530p-6p
A bath time. She normally gets tired and fussy during this time but instead she was very hyper and mostly happy, didn't cry when I put her pajamas on like she normally does. I think this might have been a second wind type hyperness.
E 655p
BT 725p, fell asleep within 7 min
WU 500AM!! I heard her cry for 5 min and then she stopped, I assumed she went back to sleep but I'm not sure bc I fell asleep when she stopped crying. When I turned on the monitor video at 6am she was awake and lying there silently playing with her blanket. I didn't get her up until 645a when she cried bc again, she showed signs of going back to sleep but never did
E 650
A very fussy the whole awake time
S 845a-1020a
E 1045a
A super fussy
S 1p-130p woke up screaming which she never does anymore, tried to resettle and couldn't, gave up at 2p
E 2p
A 2p-330p basically whined the entire awake time and needed lots of distraction, wanted to be held the whole time
S 330p-4p fell asleep in 1 min with binky and swaddled but binky fell out and woke screaming, resettled and got another 15 min out of the nap. Probably a total of 20 min during this time.
A 4p-515p played/bath time
E 515p-6p
BT 6p
We're 2 weeks away from the start of daylights savings here in the US so I think I'm just going to give up figuring out what the deal is with the wake up time bc I'm going to have to readjust her in 2 weeks. I'm hoping she can make it to 6a tomorrow and then I'll get her up and do everything 1 hour earlier with a bedtime goal of 6pm so that when the time changes in 2 weeks, the 6a wake up will turn into 7a and the 6p bedtime will become 7p.
Today was hard, though. She's such a pleasant baby and never ever cries but today was full of tears and whining. I'm hoping she's better rested tomorrow because I just feel so bad that she's not getting the sleep she needs and then gets upset and cries