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Settling at night
« on: March 04, 2018, 08:27:50 am »
Hi ladies,
Lo is 9 weeks.  He is breast fed I'm the main bar two express bottles.   One bottle in am and one before bed.

We don't have a great feeding experience.   I think my supply is fine.   He is on losec for silent reflux and I feel that his discomfort is under control. 

He suffers with chronic wind upper and lower and violent hiccups.   Are these part and parcel of reflux??

Very rarely is a feed calm.  He wriggles and squirms tugging my nipple with him.  He doesn't back arch or unmatched (this was my second lo who also had reflux I suspect worse than this lo).

I have to constantly wind him even on breast.   He will bring up wind but again it doesn't necessarily mean he will feed any better.   I try and keep his stomach lower than his head.
He rarely displays this behaviour on the bottle.   I still have to wind nearly every Oz.  I thought perhaps now he prefers bottle and speed of same.   However in night when breast clearly full and therefore flow faster it is often still the same.

Needless to say nighttime is horrid.   I feed he squirms.   I wind he goes crazy.   Continue feeding.  Continues squirming.   Eventually he just uses me as a dummy. 

A few weeks ago he wasn't a great feeder bit felt he was better than this.  He would be drowsy I would place him on my shoulder.  Wind him. He would pretty much stay asleep.   I would hold him upright for 20mins and them place in basket

Now I have very upset baby post feed.   He is almost impossible to wind when wound up.  And is looking to suck. Suck suck.

It's almost impossible to resettle.   It took me two hours last night from feed to sleep, and that was only the first wake.

He hasn't had a dummy for nearly a week.  Settles for naps and bedtime with assistance, place in basket very drowsy.  Everything seems to go pearshaped in night.

I really don't know what to do.  I am no longer enjoying breastfeeding but equally not ready to switch to formula.

I have gone diary and soya free with no major difference.   Have been of diary an age and soya a week or so.

He does have a headcold.  But really I think this problem predates this.

Of note he had one nappy yesterday that was pretty much all mucous.   I can't fathom what caused it.  I had eaten a bit more wheat products than usual.   I am now trying to cut back on them, but find I'm left with very little food options.   Could a head cold produce a nappy with that much mucous.  All his other nappies look reasonable.   Some have small amounts of mucous but minimal.

Any ideas how to approach night.  I feel bottles all round are less stressful, but with two other lo's I know I won't get the time ti express more than currently.

I'm a little lost.  The 2hrs resettling each night is taking its toll.  I don't really want to reintroduce dummy after not using it for so long.  Infact I rarely had to use it a night previously.   

I don't feel he is necessarily coming of breadt satisfied.  His feeding is so strange thete are no obvious signs.  I read everywhere baby will unlatch, roll over etc when finished.... Well not here......

I'm not sure what I am asking.   Someone might have a similar experience and might be able to shed some advice.

His sleep is very varied for naps.  As for night he recently 3 days has been doing initial stretch of 5hrs, then waking 2 later.  seeing however it is taking 2hrs to resettle the next feed is being pushed to 6am,  again like today it was just shy of eight when he resettled....normally get would feed again around 4:30 resettled and wake up 7:30/8:30.

Any thoughts from a deflated tired frustrated mummy.

Ps. His latch is ok, and no tongue tie.

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Re: Settling at night
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2018, 22:46:28 pm »
Oh no that sounds tough. You're worried he is experiencing discomfort when he feeds, perhaps from the reflux and perhaps from an intolerance. You could be right. Have you discussed it with your dr? What reflux meds is he on and what is the dose and his weight?

Do you have a breastfeeding group like La Leche League you could attend for someone qualified to observe a feed?

Do you think you have overactive letdown? Oversupply?
Your baby is very young and it's very normal for him to need lots of help sleeping and to want to feed lots. Dummys are artificial nipples designed to mimic the breast. So he's not using you as a dummy he is using the nipple as nature intended for comfort.

Have you tried the biological nurturing (laid back) position for feeding? That can help with fidgeting and coping with flow.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2018, 22:48:09 pm by *Ali* »
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