Hello again! We have had a six month+ hiatus and are now back with our newest sleep issue - no thanks to daycare! Would greatly appreciate any insight anyone can offer.
Our current EASY is pretty flexible now but things run 'smoother' when we work with the below:
WU: 7/7.30
Nap: Into bed between 1/1.30. This is the time with the least resistance and issues in settling. I have to wake her by 2.35 at the latest to get to school pickup (so 1/1.5 hr nap).
BT: 7/7.30 depending on 1/1.5 hour nap. She is usually asleep by 7.30/8 but sometimes 8.30 - chatting happily or rolling around quietly.
The issues happen however now that daycare has started where they offer all the children a nap at 11.30AM! It is something I have raised with the teachers but as it is a 0-3 year old room, it's something they struggle with. I have noticed that they are keeping her up an extra half hour and attempting her rest close to 12pm but it is just too long of an afternoon for her as she is only likely to do 40 minutes or 1hr 20 minutes depending on when she wakes. The other week, she crashed out from 11.30 - 1 but still at 7.30 she was a mess, melting down and then waking so much overnight. She only goes two days a week but it disrupts the rest of our week with restless nights and cranky days.
Would you recommend a SEBT of 6 or 6.30 on these two days days as I am unlikely to have much success in moving nap time. I suggested our usual 1pm, but they say that most children are waking up around this time so unlikely she will sleep. The centre is just amazing (other than this) so moving her is not an option. Given she can take upwards of an hour to sleep, I haven't liked to put her down too late because I usually end up apoping her or WI/WO because she is too wired to settle herself.
Just after others' thoughts if anyone has any! Many thanks in advance.
- LA.