Hello ladies,
My 10 month old baby girl weighs 18.7 pounds and hasn't really gained weight since 8 months. At 8 months she weighed 18 lbs, 9 months 18.5 lbs and and her vaccines last week (nearly 10 months old) weighed 18.7 but that was with a different scale. She gets 4 8oz bottles of pumped milk per day (total 32 oz) and 3 smallish meals - I try to feed her bigger meals now but she eats x amount and then isn't interested in more. I've noticed she is still getting taller but she has lost her arm and leg rolls. She is otherwise very happy, active, playful, and seems very healthy to me.
She has also recently started to refuse her bottles half way through, which doesn't help with weight gain. She seems eager for her bottle when I show it to her, but will then only drink 3-6oz and push it away, will turn her head away if I try to put it back into her mouth, etc. I have been saving the leftover milk and giving to her directly before a nap when she is sleepy and more amendable to drinking it then, but still. Does this sound like she is weaning herself from milk? Should I just go with the flow and follow her cues or be more persistent? I wasn't really prepared to start weaning her from breast milk until she was a year old so this has sort of taken me by surprise.