Edit 5/09/2018: You can read about our solution
Hi, all!
This is my first post on here but my wife and I are very grateful to have found this forum. The info on here in addition to Tracy's book has been wonderful for us and our daughter.
The back story: We never really did a proper E.A.S.Y. routine with our daughter but did try to stick to a routine. That routine, however, always involved feeding to sleep (nursing at night with my wife, bottle-feeding pumped milk with me during the day). Honestly, our LO was a pretty good sleeper, sleeping through the night by about 3 months. Naps were never great and
never over 45 minutes, but we were surviving. Then the 4-month sleep regression hit. Our daughter would drink almost an entire bottle of milk (6oz) and still not go down for a nap. Worse, she started waking to feed almost every hour at night (though usually sleeping for about a 4-hour stretch from 4:30am-8:30am).
The good news: Well, since our daughter is now old enough for P.U./P.D. we decided to give E.A.S.Y. a proper shot and so far we've had great results! She slept through the night the
very first night and (almost) did again last night. It's amazing! Naps are still iffy, but at least I don't have to worry about running out of milk if she doesn't go down quickly.
The problem: Whereas previously I had to ration the 12oz of milk my wife had pumped, now my daughter seems uninterested in eating during the day. She gets up at 8:30, and so has had two proper feeds so far, plus a snack (since she ate so little at her first feed). She's only finished about 5oz.
Any thoughts on why this change may have taken place?
Here's what last night looked like:
8:30 - Put in crib. Did pu/pd until...
~9:45 - Asleep
2:30 - Awake. Fed and did brief pu/pd
5:30 - Mom woke her to feed her, then put her back in the crib fully awake, but she went back to sleep on her own.
8:30 - Woke up and drank ~1.5oz
9:30 - Tried again to get her to eat. Drank maybe another 1.5oz
10:30 - PU/PD to nap (took about 10 min
11:21 - Awake.
PU/PD from then until 12:30- scheduled end of nap. No more sleep.
12:30 - Feed. She ate about 2oz.
I know we've deviated from the traditional schedule a bit, but the morning feed is something we've done ever since my wife went back to work and has, so far, worked well. Our daughter sleeps well in the morning, generally, and yet has still been happy to drink lots and lots of milk by the time she's ready for her first nap.
I know this is
a lot of information, but I appreciate anyone who has taken the time to wade through it and can offer any insights on why my daughter is eating so little during the day. (I should add that, while not exact, yesterday's schedule and feeding went much the same.)
Thank you!