Author Topic: Help with settling 5wk old for naps and bedtime with a noisy sibling!  (Read 1266 times)

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Offline Mummy81

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Just wondered if any of you had any advice on how to settle a newborn for naps and bedtime when you have a noisy 35 month old!
DS1 was on an easy routine from around 6 weeks but have tried to start a bit earlier with DD2. However I do not have the time to sit next to her cot and settle her for her daytime naps, and when I put her in her cot after getting her to fall asleep in my arms, she wakes up after 10mins. That’s if I can get her to fall asleep in my arms when my noisy toddler isn’t shouting or singing at the top of his voice. The only way I can get her to sleep is to put her in a sling, but then I can’t have a shower etc!

DS1 has been a really good sleeper from about 4 months due to the EASY routine and I want to ensure that I achieve the same with this one, but I just can’t get her to sleep in the day meaning she is overtired at night and doesn’t fall asleep until
About 9pm, having an awake time of around 5hrs!!
Any advice would be appreciated.

Offline becj86

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Hi :)

Sorry I've not any experience in that department but I can point you towards some information about how others have done it for a start:

There's also a board specifically for these sorts of questions - it might help to read through a few threads there: