Hello! I have looked around the forum and it seems quite a common phase...DS2 has started taking short naps (mostly 45 min) so on days when he would be awake too long I have reintroduced a catnap before dinner. Of course it throws BT out as well, with the last couple of nights being really hard to settle.
I think it's because of short A times, but he gives clear tired signs starting from 2.5 or even 2hrs...if I put him down 'when he wants', I get a 45 min nap, If I stretch him a bit, maybe 15 mins, I get 30 or even less

I'm trying to give him a break because in the last month there's been traveling, jet-lag, ear infection, learning to crawl and possibly teeth coming, but I would like not to make it his new standard...YKWIM

Today as an example:
s 9.45
awake 10.30
s 13.15
awake 14
With BT usually being around 7, would you do that last catnap or would you just go for superE BT? And if he does nap, should I keep it to, say, 20 min?
When he wakes he whines a bit, but as soon as I get him up he's happy and ready to go...impossible to resettle.
He seems to take a bit longer A time as the day goes on, but he also dozes off in the car or pram if we're out so it's hard to account for everything.
Thanks for any tips!!