Updated-See last post. Not sure how to sleep train my 15 month old.
Hi BW,
I am having trouble navigating the 2-1 transition. My DS is going to be one in a few days. I would say he is spirited. Shh pat never worked when he was younger and less has always been more in terms of intervention. He has always been on the lower end of sleep needs. Our problems right now are long NW, EW (will go back to sleep, usually in our bed), catnap refusals. He does not go to sleep until he does his A time, even if he is really tired (unless a nap is his idea). Taking him to his room early always fails. His first A time is around 3h 45 min, second is 4h, and the last one is just under 4 hours.
A typical day looks like this
WU 715, BF (I wake him)
E 745
S 1045 - This nap ranges from 1hr 10- 1hr 30 min
WU 1200, BF
E 1215
E snack around 3
S 4:00 Attempt a catnap. I have been keeping this one to about 30 minutes.
WU 4:30, BF
E 6:00, BF again after supper
BT 8:00 We take him to his room, hopefully asleep around 8:15-8:30
He had a 2 hour NW the night before for 2 hours and only got around 8 hours of sleep.
WU 705
S Tried at 1000, failed (he was acting quite tired) Finally asleep at 1045.
WU 1230
S 420 Tried a catnap and failed.
E 6:00 supper
S 6:20 In bed asleep
WU 8:00 lasted 1.5 hours. I ended up feeding him because he had missed his bedtime feed with the early BT
EW at 520 but fell back asleep.
WU 6:20 for the day.
For his wind down I change his diaper, read a book or 2 and then I sit in the dark and sing 2 songs and I put him down. I think I am a prop to him, my husband usually has more success with him than me. I usually put my hand on him to settle him. He loves to play with my fingers as he settles. If I put my hand on him on his lower legs he squirms until he can grab my hand and pull it up to his chest. I am working on taking my hand away when he is quiet. He has a security object in his crib but has not attached to it. I do PD if he stands up, sometimes it ends up being a game. This would likely be the case if I brought him up early. I usually fall for his tired signs and then end up taking him our of his room if it is clear is not tired enough yet. We go out and he plays for another 10-15min and we try again. If I stay in his room and keep at it he goes until he hits his usual A time. He will go down nicely if I get the A time just right.
We have pretty much dropped the night feeds now.
I try to give him at least 2 hours of day sleep. Not sure if I should make the catnap longer. Since he has to do full A times though lengthening that nap makes bedtime later and his nights are so short as it is. The NW usually last 1-2 hours. When he has an overtired WU it is hard to get him back to sleep. He has a hard time getting past the 10 minute mark. If he is upset and I pick him up he generally arches and thrusts himself around (not with my husband). Therefore I always try and settle him in his crib. His EW are usually around 5-6 am.
He is happy during his A times and loves to play. He acts tired at times but is content otherwise. I have tried the short long a bit. I haven't done it for many days in a row though. My problem is that I would wake him at 30 minutes but then he will want to do his 4 hr A time then the second nap is long and late.
Does anyone have any thoughts? Do we just ride this out as is? I go back to shift work soon and would like to have him on a schedule that works for him. When he starts daycare he will likely only be getting one nap a day. I only work part time though. I made it work with my DD, she didn't drop to 1 nap until 18 months.
Thanks so much!