Whelp, I feel like I'm raising the white flag. My LO wins.
We have always had a horrific time sleeping. We had had monthly cycles of cold > ear infection > antibiotics > repeat for a total of 5 months. We are having tubes put in on the 27th. We have also had other illness sprinkled in to that as well as teething. Wakeups have always been pretty constant. Just as I thought we were turning a corner with her first wake up at 3, dare I say 4am, we are back to a bad night. With an early wake up between 11-1 and then 2-4 hours after that. Additionally she always wakes to eat around 5am. I could deal with the 5am eating if that was all. But as you see, it is not.
-I am convinced pick up put down won't work.
- I have tried just lengthy snuggles and another method to get her back to sleep. That won't work.
-Going in to check on her without getting her would upset her more.
-I don't agree with extinction method... largely because I think she could go the distance. She would literally cry for hours.
My kid is very "strong willed".
For example, she woke up at 11:30 and I decided she didn't need to nurse. She fussed cried squirmed, flailed, would not go back to sleep. No snuggles in the world would help. I would try putting her back down after being calm/veryyy drowsy only to have her scream her face off. The longest I have gone doing this sort of pick up put down, trying rocking/bouncing/holding, etc is 2.5 hours until I am too exhausted and give in.
I also try letting her cry. If she isn't hysterical I will let her fuss and cry out. Last night she went 35 minutes of fussing until she became hysterical. I tried for 25 minutes after that of snuggles, rocking, bouncing, etc only to once again lose the battle and nurse. We were up from 3:30-5am even though she woke up at 11:30 (to nurse). Even if by some miracle she stops fussing after 15-20 min in the middle of the night when I don't go in, she will wake up approx. 30 minutes later, more upset than the last time and I have to go get her.
We have a lovey, she won't take a pacifier, she goes to bed drowsy but awake with a very consistent routine. It doesn't seem to matter regarding naps. ie. sometimes daycare lets her sleep from 12-2 or 2:30 so I ensure we are pretty much in bed early or very close to it by 6:30-6:45. Even if she does a later afternoon nap, she is still ready for bed by 7-7:15. She gets about 3 hours of sleep during the day over the course of 2 naps. I even do her routine before the eye rubs and yawns start flowing. She is a good eater and gets a top off 20-30 min. before bed. The Dr. says she "might" have reflux but the diagnosis was anecdotal and pretty recent for her age (she turns 1 next week). She is on Zantac but honestly I can't tell if her tummy is even a contributing factor anymore. Teething seems extra miserable lately, she started walking, and she is in a leap, but honestly I feel like those are just excuses. We haven't slept in 1 year.
Any thoughts? Because I officially don't have any anymore...Thanks Everyone.