I’ve got a spa weekend booked in with my friends in June and I can’t wait!!
I’ve decided that the video monitor is my enemy and is fuelling my anxiety, I was becoming fixated on what time she opened her eyes so I was waking earlier and earlier with anxiety.
Last night I used my hypnosis sleep app and when I woke at stupid o’clock, instead of looking at her I put my app back on and it seemed to settle me again. I woke less anxious at 6:30, then I checked her. She was awake but I think she’s getting on average 11 hours overnight and apart from the off moments in the day, she seems to be coping ok.
The problem we have, which I may have already said, as our conversation is so long now (thanks again x), is that she can be awake but quiet in her bed and we wouldn’t know. What did parents do before cameras?!!! 😳 they were probably less anxious!!!