How old is your LO?
And how long have you been on this routine of 2.25hrs please? Also I am not sure if you mean 2hrs 25 mins or 2hrs 15 min?
What happens at the 40 min mark, he wakes and then what happens, does he cry, stay quiet, do you go to him, what do you do to resettle or extend the nap?
we give it 5 minutes before returning to him if crying.Once in his cot having said ‘sleeptine’ we leave the room,he usually starts crying immediately so give him 5 minutes then return
OK, this is not part of the PUPD method, nor it is part of any BW method. With BW there is no waiting whilst LO cries, you must return immediately.
BW methods do not use any aspect of CC (controlled crying).
The only time a LO is left is either quiet and not crying or calling out for you, or asleep, or making a mantra noise which is not crying, no tears, no escalation and whilst each LO has their own mantra it is generally rhythmical and shows no sign of frustration or anxiety and no attempt to get your attention.