My 3 year old (turned at the end of January), has never been a great sleeper.
He started sleeping well once I put him in the room with his sister (4y8m).
He's pretty chilled... more so since he's gotten older.
The problem is, he's waking up in the night. Now he isn't calling us or crying or shouting etc but he can be up for a couple of hours just sitting there sucking his thumb and playing with his ear in the dark and then the next day he is super tired for nursery.
Some routines with results we have tried:
7am wake
1pm - 2pm nap (nursery)
6.30/7pm bed
- he could be awake in his bed for a few hours until he falls asleep.
7am wake
*No nap*
6/6.30pm bed falls asleep straight away
- most likely wake up at 1am or 3am and up for a couple hours or if 5am he will be up from then... quietly but won't go back to sleep and then will be tired the next day.
7am wake
11am - 12.15 nap (at home)
6.30/7pm bed. Falls asleep within 10 or 15 mins
- might wake up... could be at 5am but sit quietly until the grow clock is yellow.
I dont know what he needs. Maybe this will just be him?
My 4 year old in the same room wakes at 7am.... No nap at school. Goes to bed anywhere from 6am to 7pm and sleeps straight away and sleeps all the way through.
DS1s sleep really baffles me. Nothing seems to work.
Is he over tired? Under tired? No idea.
(At nursery 4 days a week)
Any insight would be thankfully received