Hi Zoe, we seem to be getting worse! She woke again last night at 1am and 4am. At 5:15 I gave milk and left (she didn’t cry when I left). She was babbling away at 5. Think I’ve created a bad habit giving milk but it’s the only thing that settles her and did not want to start my day at 4am!
She is eating fine in the day although she doesn’t really eat snacks. I do offer but she plays with it and throws it on the floor. She ate Breakfast yesterday, even after having milk at 5am, she then had a small snack at 10:30 and a huge lunch at 12. She then ate a nectarine at 2:30 (refused anything else) and ate half her dinner at 5. She then ate a whole mini wrap at 6 and drank 8oz at 7:30! It seems quite a lot to me but do you think I should try pushing more food?
I’m going to try and cap her sleep today. She is still asleep now at 7:40 so will push a later, shorter nap. She is killing me! Thanks for ‘listening’. Xx