Little one is 13 months, been down to one nap a day for a few months. Usually naps around 12/12:30 until 2:30pm. Then bed time is around 7:30. He usually rises for the day between 7:30/8 some day I go in around 8:20 to get him up. and he kind of flip flops around for a bit say 30mins before he will call out. He is quite and content. Recently... these 3/4 days he goes to bed and wakes 45 mins later we let him see if he settles and then will go in and give him water, calm him and send him back to bed. Today he went down at 7:30 and he is still awake flip flopping in bed and playing with his stuffies and occasional talking to them. Since he is not crying I leave him and eventually he will go to bed or cry. Any ideas as to why he won’t sleep ?