It's been a looong time since I've been on but I need some advice with DSs sleep. He's now 3y7mo. He naps most days but once in a while will be silly and not settle for a long time or not sleep at all. Most of the time he's happy to nap (at home and at daycare). He usually naps from 1-2:30 at daycare and 1:30-3:00 at home (but tends to take really long naps when DH puts him down - like 2 or 3 hrs - go figure that he thinks DH needs the break

). He was getting really silly at BT for a while (popping in and out of his room for up to 2 hours) but that has improved lately. We usually put him down around 7:30 and he falls asleep around 8:30 and lately he's been waking up around 5:30 which is 1-1 1/2 hr earlier than he used to wake. On the few no nap days he's had he's gone to sleep easily but hasn't lengthened his night (only 9 1/2-10 hr night). He often needs to poop right when he wakes up (he does have a diaper at night but doesn't poop in it). Is he possibly waking because he needs to poop? Or do we need to look at some routine change?
I'd like to get this sorted because we'll be moving to our cabin soon and he and DD will be sharing a room and she is not going to be happy with such an early wake up call from her little brother! (And I would like a later start too
