Hi team
It's been a long time since I last posted here. But in a way that's great because my LO has been sleeping pretty well!
It's winter time here in NZ and my DS (2 years 2 mo) has started waking earlier (previously 6am; now 5/5.30 am). Finding it harder to get to sleep at night (lots of mucking around - BT is 6.30/7pm - sometimes will be awake til 8pm). Still napping at approx. 12.30 pm for 1.5-2 hours but some days is starting to refuse.
Should we be looking at reducing/capping that nap time so we get better night sleep? The 1>0 transition advice post seems to suggest bringing the nap earlier or reducing the nap by 15 minutes at a time. Do you think he's exhibiting the signs of dropping the nap? He gets very tired on the days he refuses a nap so like today he went to bed a little earlier. Will be interesting to see if he beats me awake in the morning (I gotta get up early to go to swimming tomorrow!)
My now 4 year old DD dropped her nap at age 2.5yrs and basically just stopped without us prompting or having to transition so this is slightly new territory.
Thanks for any suggestions/observations about what is happening here

He's a very active little boy and isn't keen on "chilling out" in place of a nap so appreciate anyone's opinion here.