Hello and welcome to BW forums
Sorry I wasn't able to reply sooner.
A couple of things you can try:
1. reduce A time down to 1hr 20 to 1hr 30. At the moment it looks like your A time is very long for her age and whilst some LOs do like a long A time it would be very unusual to see an A time of 2 or 2.5 hrs which is sometimes happening although it is not always clear on your EASY exactly when she woke up or how long she slept.
Count the A time from the moment she wakes up (if she resettles back to sleep try to record when she woke when she nodded off again and when she woke at the end of the nap) up to the moment she sleeps. Try to have her asleep by 1hr 20 or 1hr 30, so start your wind down before this time.
2. With the feeds, it could just be that she is happier to eat at a longer stretch. As she is not wanting to nurse more frequently she might just be really efficient feeding and getting what she needs on a 4hr routine instead. You can be flexible in the feeding, if it is 3.5hr or 4hr it's okay. The idea is not to force her to eat but neither is it to withhold food. If she is gaining weight and producing wet nappies then she is likely fine eating at the longer stretches. Most LOs move to 3hr 30 and then 4hr feeds at 4 months so although she is younger than this, she might just be a bit more of a grown up eater. if her health is good try not to worry.
Have you started sleep training as well as introducing the EASY routine?
Have the short naps and long A times or nap refusal started because you changed the way she sleeps (ie trying to get her in a cot where she is not used to sleeping) or was she already not napping well in the day before you started the routine?
Did she ever take 1hr 30 or 2hr naps before you introduced the routine? if so where were these naps (in arms, in sling, in car etc)?
Did you begin the routine with 3 days observation to see what her rhythms were before starting or did you jump right in with an example routine from the book?
Sorry for so many questions, just trying to get a bigger picture and see what might be going on for your LO.