Author Topic: 1.5 year old 5am wake up  (Read 1274 times)

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1.5 year old 5am wake up
« on: July 18, 2018, 16:42:40 pm »
My 1.5 year old has been getting up at 5am and I don't know how to change it!

His routine is this:
5am: WU, grumpy but unwilling to go back to sleep or snuggle in my bed.
Noon: Nap 1.5h
6:30p: Bedtime, asleep by 7. 

In the past his bedtime was earlier (6pm). However, he has had to move in with his two older siblings (almost 3y and 4.5y) and so his bedtime has been bumped by about 1/2hr.
His siblings shenanigans at bedtime last about 30 min which he finds quite amusing. But, his early wake-up is NOT so happily welcomed by me OR his siblings. At least I get coffee, but the other two are miserable (they do not go back to bed)

He has two last teeth (K9s) to break ground, so my hope is that that is the cause.
Any other suggestions?

The room is totally dark. It has white noise and is fairly cool. He loves a bath before bed and eats a good amount at dinner time. I don't respond quickly to his fussing in the morning; hoping he'll lay back down. But, instead he wakes the others up and since they are both newly out of night time diapers, they seem to pee their mattresses in protest of the noise! argh  >:(
What am I missing. Maybe just an automatic coffee machine....  ;)

Any suggestions?

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Re: 1.5 year old 5am wake up
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2018, 07:04:04 am »
When BT moved later did you also move his nap time an equal amount to shift the whole day?  Perhaps nap needs to be later?

Potties in the bedroom and give the other 2 permission to get right out of bed to do their morning wee in there so they don't have to make it to the bathroom?  I had a larger potty chair style which my DS used until he was about 4, the really small potties would probably be too hard for your kids to get on/off.