Author Topic: Transition to new room/big bed  (Read 1356 times)

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Offline Gummi_bear63

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Transition to new room/big bed
« on: July 19, 2018, 15:59:57 pm »
I've tried to look at the "success stories" on this issue(at least the ones I could one won't open for me) and haven't found much inspiration for my situation. My son is almost 27 months. I am expecting another baby and we have been setting up his big boy room. He will be moving to another room and a big boy bed. I realize this is a lot at once for him. We set up his room and started to spend time in there to get him used to it. He LOVES it and became so fascinated with his "big bed" and kept asking to sleep there I thought I better capitalize on his interest and get him in sooner than I was planning. However, night one was a disaster. The second I would leave, he would get out of bed.  Every single time. Wouldn't even stay for a minute. I decided to go with the method of putting him back to bed repeatedly, expecting him to eventually give up. However, after about 45 minutes I attempted to stay with him hoping he would fall asleep if I was there. But I had already knew that wouldn't work which is why I didn't approach it this way to begin with. After about another 20 minutes I put him in his crib. I know I've set back any progress I might have made but it seemed crazy to continue and quite frankly I couldn't physically do it anymore.

When he got out, at first he would get excited when I would come back in. I interacted with him the first few times and then just put him back without interaction as I read suggested many places. Eventually he would whimper when I would put him back. At one point to basically asked me to put his big bed in his other room.

I know the double transition is too much for him and he wasn't probably ready. I am now considering moving his crib into his new room for awhile with the bed in there. And then attempting the bed again later once he is used to the room. Moving the crib in there...and then eventually back for the baby...will be a big pain. No one I mention it to thinks it's worth the effort. But I can't really think of any other options.

Suggestions? Will moving the crib help the transition? Unfortunately we're pretty committed to the room change at this point so the other way around is not an option.

Offline Conniesmummy

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Re: Transition to new room/big bed
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2018, 17:59:20 pm »
I’d say back in crib in new room to be honest. Toddlers hate change and it was 2 big changes at once.
I know it can be a pain but with the new baby coming I’d be inclined to wait to go into the bed. The new baby won’t need the big cot for some time. I also know people who have resorted to buying another cot in these circumstances.

Offline Gummi_bear63

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Re: Transition to new room/big bed
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2018, 00:33:27 am »
I’m willing to buy another crib.  Just worried about the safety of him remaining in a crib. He hasn’t tried to climb out yet but I imagine it will happen any time now. But for now I guess it’s okay. As you said, the baby won’t need the crib for awhile but I was worried about him feeling displaced by the baby if the transition happens when baby is around. But I definitely think this is the only option.

Offline Conniesmummy

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Re: Transition to new room/big bed
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2018, 18:42:46 pm »
My lo never tried to climb out ever. She still tends to wait for me to go in to her in a morning rather than get out of her bed 😂😂