My LO has been a good sleeper from the get go and has been quite flexible with tweaking her schedule.
Recently, however, she started waking up much earlier than her usual 7/7:15. Sometimes 630, sometimes even earlier.
There have been combination of moving parts in her life..., I weaned her from her morning bottle, and also stopped putting formula in her night bottle (now she gets only milk). She's also been working through getting her canines in. Plus starting a new playgroup...
I tried w2s the other day and walked into her room at 5:20am and she popped up, wide awake ready to start the day. These days she's up at 6 am and refusing to play in her cot like she used to
She used to nap for about 2 hours at 12 and went to sleep at 7ish fir the night, but now she's so exhausted she falls asleep in her high chair by 11:30. The babysitter says she won't sleep for more than 1.5 hrs, but at home she'll sleep for 2+ hours.
But even on the days she has a shorter nap, she doesn't wake up any later the following morning.
I would love to get her back on a consistent routine but am not sure what I can do to get her back to a 7am wake up...
Should I consistently cap her nap at 1.5 hrs? How many hours should she be awake between WU, nap and BT?
any help is appreciated!