Hello ladies - I'm trying to figure out if my 2.5-year-old is dropping her nap, and if so is there some sort of ideal/magical way to handle it? In conjuction with a difficult time getting her to nap she's also started getting up very early (around 5:00 in the morning). Prior to the last two weeks; this was her schedule-ish:
Wake Between 6:00 - 6:30
Nap: 1:00 - 3:00ish
Asleep for bed: 8:00ish
Now, we're looking more like this (days of no nap):
Wake: 5:00
Nap: Attempt at 1, but resisting it 4 days of the week

(I was picking her brother up from camp last week at 5:00 and she was falling asleep in the car on the way there; we had one night where she never woke up again until 5 the next morning.) It's a hot mess though if I try to keep her up anytime past 6:30 on a day where she doesn't nap
Days where she does nap:
Wake: 5:00
Nap: 1:30 - 3:30
Asleep for Bed: Between 8 and 8:30
Any advice; is there a magical formula for nap 1 day; 2 days off? Maybe I should try putting her down at 2 instead of 1 and capping her nap to an hour? Thank you! P.S. I did just get her a wake to sleep clock, and we're currently training her to at least stay in her room/bed until the color changes.