How long would you say a 23.5month year old should be napping for? And at what time?
My LB has a nap at around 13:00.
He used to have 2 hours but capped this at 1.5hours to try and stop EW - this has worked some mornings but isn’t consistent. I have been doing this for about 2 months.
Now I’m capping his naps he is waking up in a VILE mood. He refuses to get up (rolls over and says no - like a teenager!) and then cries/yawns/screams and tantrums when I bring him downstairs for at least 20-30mins...despite any distractions of toys, food, lollies etc.
I’m worried he’s not getting a restful nap. It also impacts our entire afternoon as he often doesn’t snap out of his mood at all.
He has just this last week started pushing boundaries at nap time and BT. He is getting out of bed multiple times at bed time, laughing and thinking it’s funny when I put him back. It can take 30 (sometimes 40) mins to get him to settle in bed. The last 2 days he has also started doing this at nap time but only for 5-10mins.
Please help. He’s always been BRILLIANT at self settling and going to sleep. I’m due baby#2 in 6 weeks and starting to panic!
I’m thinking of pushing his nap 15mins later, as his pre-nap fussing may be because he’s able
To stay awake a little longer. I’m then also considering cutting the nap 15mins shorter (so S: 1:15pm - 2:30pm) to try and make him more tired at BT?
So, I pushed his nap 15mins later and he didn’t seem any more tired than he does at his normal time and still kept getting out of bed and still took 10mins for him to stop and settle to sleep. I woke him after 1h 10/15mins and he was much less grumpy though?