Hi all-I’m back after a good few years!
So Baby number 1 (now almost 5!!) was a BW Baby - textbook, super easy, EASY worked a treat!
Baby 2 (just 3yrs) has CMPA & other allergies so first year was pure survival. No routine at all. Breast as a prop for everything!
Baby 3 (4 months yesterday) is a typical 3rd Baby & just has to go with it a lot of the time. But I’ve stuck with ‘bad habits’ of using the breast for everything & now that the kiddies are returning to school/nursery is like to implement some kind of routine.
He wakes at around 5.30am (is like 6.30am), has an A time of around 2hrs, is either bf or rocked/walked etc to sleep, bf roughly every 2-3hrs but can be every half hour if he’s grumpy!
Goes to bed around 7-7.30pm & wakes after 4hrs, then every 1.5-2hrs after that. Each time bf to resettle.
Help please!!