DD wakes twice a night on average. Not consistent with when, sometimes it's 1 and 5 sometimes it's 12 and 3...I haven't been able to see a pattern. Randomly some nights she only gets up once. We are always lights off by 8:30.
She is on 1 nap from about 1-3:30 that shifts 30 mins this way or that depending on the day.
I am exhausted. The last few nights she has woken and refused to go back to sleep. She is perfectly happy to rock and cuddle but will not close her eyes or stop wiggling her top arm. It's taken and hour and a half to get her back down.
She isn't very good at self soothing, and now isn't the right time to work on that more.
I'm looking for ideas and suggestions on what we can do or change in our day to stop these big night wakings. Mama's running on fumes and getting short tempered due to the lake of sleep...