Hello my lo is 1 next week and has always been a serial napper but a good night sleeper bar a few weeks of EMW here and there. After weeks of resisting the morning nap or taking a 1.5 hour nap but broken and then resisting the afternoon nap, this week she's been doing a 35-45 minute nap in the morning although she still fights it going down and doesn't wake up overly happy but is happy once she's up and then does a 1.20 nap in pm and goes down finefke trhis one and wakes up chatting and happy. We've had a few nights of sleep cries though from about 3.30am every 30 minutes but she does settle herself.
Yesterday went like this:
WU: 6.30
A: 3.00
S: 9.30-10.10 (woke herself not overly happy and a bit of protest going down)
A: 3.10
S: 1.20 - 2.40
A: 4 hours (not through choice as we try and get her down earlier but she refuses to go to sleep until about 6.40/6.45 and she's always been like this when it used to be 6.30 and she was younger)
BT: 6.45 (sleeps 11.5/12 hour nights)
I just don't see how we'll ever move to 1 nap as I can't get her to sleep for more than 1.20. I'm not sure if we need a routine change?
Thank you