The days are getting so bad too. She gets so grumpy by tea time it’s horrible

I’ve turned the night light off tonight to see if that helps, it is quite bright. When we are in the caravan her bunk is really dark and she doesn’t have a problem with it and she’s always been in a dark room up until recently when she experienced ‘scared’ for the first time.
I’m running out of ideas. I was reading an old post on here earlier and someone was having similar issues with their 4 yr old. Someone suggested pushing them really over tired by moving bedtime later by over an hour, gradually over a few days and then sticking to the really late bedtime, despite the wu times!! Apparently it can help reset the body clock.
I’m not sure if my littly is too young at 3 to try this and I don’t want to mess just now with the daylight savings happening this week.
Have you heard of this Zoe? X