Baby boy is 17 months, has all his teeth now and walking etc. We moved him to one nap a day earlier on around 10 months. He started daycare at 15 months and his naps would be from 45 mins to and hour and 15 mins at times. When he is home with us on the weekends he usually naps around 2/3 hrs which is what he generally did before daycare as well. Now he wakes frequently through the night and takes forever to get him to settle. Previous, he would wake up cry a bit find his soother and go back to bed. Now he cries and cries and when I go in and sooth his he holds on for dear life and some times is hyperventilate. So I’m not sure what’s going on or what to do! He falls asleep easily, it’s usually bath, snack, soother, book, bed. He usually wakes around 7:30-8:30 depending if he woke in the night.
Wake- 7:30
Snack/ breakfast - 7:30
Snack 9
Lunch 11
Nap 11:30/12- 2 ish
Snack 3
Supper 5/5:30
Bed 7:30
And the routine for daycare is pretty similar to this as well except for the nap. When he only sleeps and hour he goes to bed at 7pm.
Please help! I don’t know what happened too baby boy!!