I have a 11 month old baby boy.When he wa about 4.5 month, I gave him sleep training based on Tracy method.This way, I was able to change his sleep routine, and his daytime sleep improved.
But we couldn't have the same success in his night-time sleep.
unfortuanately, he developed a depencey on breast feeding after a long vacation we had, during which his bed, and his sleep routined changed drastically. And I had to resort to pacifying him by breastfeeding.
At the moment, he wakes up every 2 hours at night. We have tried many things,including the Ferber method. But with no success. everything goes back to what it was before after 3 days.
Our daily Routine:
06:30 awake-BF
E 08:00 breakfast
S 10:00 (1.10-1,5 hour nap)
E 11:0 BF
E 13:00 lunch
S 15:00 (1 hour nap-in the stroller)
E 16:00 BF
E 17:30 Dinner
S 19:30 BF
As for the night sleep, I breast feef him and put him in to bed while he is still awake. He sometimes falls asleep by gentle patting und sussshing.
He started walking at 10 months old, he is an active baby during the day.He also has cow milk alerrgy-just including here as additional info for whatever it's worth.
As I said, currently, he wakes up every 2 hours at night.I'm sure it is not because of hunger.He is dependent on my breast, uses as a pacifier.
I can't pacify him by cuddling him since I'm very tired to stand most of the time.
What can we do? I anxiously wait for your ideas.
Thank you