Hello everyone!
DS2 is 16mo, used to be a fantastic IS, but since we moved him to a floor bed around 13 months and we have been staying with him while he falls asleep: first to get him used to the new position and new bed, help him learn how to get in and out and such. Then there's been a seemingly endless chain of things (illness, teething, SA, getting rid of the paci, more illness, more teething, you know..!) so right now we're still staying in the room until he falls asleep. Sometimes it takes a while, but generally requires only a hand on his tummy or touching his foot, just some kind of contact to know you're there. So it's not too bad, but I wonder how can we go about getting out of this habit, and also if it's what may be causing multiple NW still. He only STTN a handful of times, and at this stage gets up, comes to our room, one of us takes him back to bed and he goes back to sleep. This may happen up to 4 times per night, and some of those he lies down but springs back up if he he still not fully asleep when we try to leave. We set up a pillow and blanket next to their beds (he shares with 3yo brother) so we can rest while we're there, but it's still exhausting.
With regards to day routine, he (mostly) dropped the morning nap, and he generally sleeps better in the afternoon and at night this way, but at times (especially and grandparents' where he is less active) he's impossible to keep awake so he has a 20-30 min catnap.
Any insight will be much appreciated!