I (so I was told by people) would make a rod for my own back by indulging the demands. Thing is I’m now the one with independent easygoing teens, while the Mum who picked on me loads and ‘would not indulge in that soft behaviour with her son’ is having A LOT of issues now he is a teen and , they don’t have a great relationship and the counsellor they see says the connection as a big part. I’ve read lots about connection and the primary trust relationship is the foundation to all later ones, so as much as you can build that trust rather than see it as a mini tyrant.
Also acknowledge his feelings when you can’t, but also remember sometimes it’s a spill over emotion from lots of little things and also it can be really nothing to do with the small issue but just too many small issues have happened and they need the consistency of the normal person to gain equilibrium again. Think of it like who you would go to when a big sad event, in a toddler big sad events happen hourly because their emotions are so confused as they are still developing. It’s a journey not a destination.