Author Topic: 20 month old up all night .... party arty party  (Read 2855 times)

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20 month old up all night .... party arty party
« on: January 06, 2019, 08:24:08 am »
Lo is 20 months old, he has always been on the low side of sleep and was transitioned to one nap around 10 months as an example. We have been good for awhile but it just seems that the last few week it has gotten worse to terrible. He has all his teeth and no ear infections and is not I’ll at the moment. He does go to daycare and sometimes he wakes between 6/6:30.... and naps around 12/12:15 to 1:30 maybe more some days but mostly an hour and a half. We aim to put him to bed at 7pm. Bath, snack, wind down time song and sleep. But the last week he goes to bed and wakes an hour later maybe and hour and twenty and cries and cries and cries. Last night it was every hour and a half to two hours he was up!! The night before he went to bed at 7:45, woke around 4 am ( this was a good night!) and sometimes I can resettle around 5:30 and he will sleep till 7. It takes forever these days for him to resettle. When I do try to put him back into his crib after being resettled  it’s like he holds on for dear life! Does I need to cut his nap to a cat nap or what does a girl do? I feel so lost and feel for my babes because he is just so attached. He is very much so a mommas boy but am feeling very lost! Please help!!