Hello, I am writing from Poland. My son has poor naps. It has been always that way. He used to nap 30 minutes and since 2 months he naps for 45 minutes. He won't nap anytime after 4 p.m. I have no idea why. We had a routine :
6.30/7 am - wake up
8.30-50 am - first nap 45 minutes
11.13-12 - second nap 45 minutes
15.20-15.50 - third nap always 30 min, wakes up with crying
18-18.30 - bedtime
But now, when he got older I can see that he needs more activity time. I dont know how our day should look like. What time he should nap. Today he was tired after about 2,5 hour but had trouble falling asleep. He played in his bed with his feet for 20 minutes, he rolles over to his belly and cant go back. He does not lnow how to sleep on a belly. I tried to exctend naps but he screams really bad, my heart cant handle this. Sometimes he extends his naps on his own, but it is not really often. Please help. Thank you