Author Topic: 40 minute naps. 13 weeks, hates shush/pat, too soon for pu/pd? Desperate  (Read 3191 times)

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Offline Abbyw

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Hi there,

My LO is 13.5 weeks and has been napping for 40 minutes at a time. (She used to have good naps as a newborn and when she's going through a growth spurt).
She's slightly touchy and hates any form of shush/pat. I've tried humming, murmuring a mantra, shushing. Patting, rubbing, jiggling... they all seem to distract her.
She actually goes down for her nap pretty nicely on her own but once she wakes at the 45 minute mark, she'll start off smiling and cooing but eventually will start crying and won't calm down unless I pick her up. She settles immediately as I pick her up but cries once she feels me start to put her down. (She had a baby nurse who spoiled her so I'm trying to break the habit as well).
Can I try pu/pd? Am at my wits end, constantly on the verge of tears, trying to put her to sleep all day and have barely spent time with 2 yr old DD1.

Offline Katet

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It's actually VERY normal for babies around the 3/4month mark to struggle connecting sleep cycles & to only nap for 45mins, so it's not really something you need to do, more that time will help them mature enough to do it.

(She had a baby nurse who spoiled her so I'm trying to break the habit as well).
babies don't get spoilt, they can be overstimulated by too much care & attention, but they aren't spoilt, so it's not a habit you need to break, more something to be pleased that she was able to have that human connection.

Rather than be stressed by the short naps, do what "works" if she wakes at 45mins & you know she will resettle in a sling then do that... the time will come when she can join the cycles together.

I found with my DS2, that it was better to embrace the short naps at times my DS1 was awake & do things together (get out of the house etc) & then focus on trying to get one long sleep when they both napped at the same time, so at 3mo, my DS2 was 45min nap, 45min nap, 2.5hour nap, 45min nap rather than 3 longer naps. I found that naptime when his older brother napped & bedtime were the only time I didn't make it "easy" for myself & just accept he'd have a short nap.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 03:51:44 am by Katet »
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline Mammazzilla

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I'm not sure this is going to be of ny help for you, but my DS did the same and despite all my efforts he just couldn't pass the 45 mins. At 5 months (more or less) just grew out of it and started taking longer naps and always did ever since.
I think she just has to mature and she'll eventually start taking longer naps  ;)

Offline Abbyw

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Thank you for your responses! Really appreciate the support!
I guess I'll have to wait it out and pray it happens sooner rather than later.

Offline Chanakay

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Hey Abby, I'm sorry you went through what you did with your baby's short naps! My baby is that age now and is doing the same thing. Would you be so kind to tell me what you ended up doing about it and how it worked out? I would love to hear from you because I'm totally at a loss! Thanks!!

Offline Abbyw

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Hi! So sorry you're having the same trouble! unfortunately my  munchkin opted to do her own thing and taught me to just embrace it. She still takes a few short naps a day. Praying for a change soon, since I've tried all the tips and tricks...

Offline KBolton

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I often found that when the naps shortened my baby needed an increased awake time. She was tired enough to take a nap but not tired enough to have a good long nap. You could trying pushing it out slightly and see how they get on.

I ended up just sitting with my LO and comforting her (hold hand nothing too distracting) with some white noise. I set a time limit I was comfortable with, it worked a treat as it wasn’t too stimulating.

Hope you get your naps sorted. Hopefully it’s just a phase.