My 24 month old is having a sleep problem. He has gotten to the point where 3 to 4 times a night he will wake up, and will only fall back asleep if he's been tucked back into bed. at first it was difficult, because he was throwing everything out of his bed, blanket and lovie... But now he just stands up and yells for us to come in and tell him night night. All we have to do is walk in and tell him to lay down and he will lay back down and go to sleep.
The problem is, he is not able to do that himself. So last night 4 times, I had to get up and tell him to lie down. I do give him a few minutes to see if he will put himself back to sleep, but that very rarely happens. Any insight?
Naps are fine, from 12-2 (or 3) wake up is usually between 5:45 and 6 a.m (he hears daddy leave for work) ., and bedtime is almost always 7 p.m.