I’ve been on this board several times but hoping I can gain some more advice.
DS2 is 14weeks and has never napped well. He naps for 35-45mins, and does not self settle. In the sling he has napped for longer but he’s too heavy for that now. An accumulation of a day full of cat naps now means that come BT he’s refusing a feed (despite me knowing he should be hungry) and just wants to sleep. He’s screams on the bottle and then I get over tired cried as I cuddle him to sleep he also used to sleep until 6:30/7 but has now started waking at 5:15-45..
Our day differs depending on WU and naps but here’s a rough idea of the mess we are in...
WU: 5:45-6:30
A: around 1hr15/20 - I start WD when rubbing his eyes, as this is the only cue I get. This is normally around 1hr-1hr 10.
S: (held to sleep as after trying sssh pat to no avail I’m not sure what to try) 40mins
He then more often than not shows tired cues again after 30mins but I can rarely get him back down.
So we end up in a cycle similar to above - 1hr15 ish awake, followed by a 35-45min cat nap. I feed 3-3.5 hourly around this rubbish naps, which end up being 4-5 of them per day. He normally has his last feed around 4-4:30, last catnap around 4:30-5pm (so he’s awake from anywhere between 5:15-6pm) and then we bath at 6:15, feed at 6:45 and put down at 7pm.
I dreamfeed around 10:30 (but lately has been waking earlier due to refusing BT milk), then a feed around 2:30 and then stirring from 5:15, awake by 5:45. He used to stir at 5:15 but sleep til 6:30/7.
Any tips for A time or extending naps please, or any other tweaks.
I’ve tried sssh/pat to get him to self settle after WD but he seems to get very angry and worked up.
I’ve tried both ssh/pat and w2s, to extend naps. several times but they don’t seem to be effective - again sssh pat seems to end in him fully waking and being frustrated and W2S has only ever worked once out of all the times I’ve tried.. I know he’s too young for PUPD but I’m not sure it would work as he doesn’t seem to *want* to be held and doesn’t always calm down when I pick him up. H just seems very angry and frustrated about sleep.
I have a 2 year old at home so my time frame for getting ds2 down and any attempts to resettle often have to be kept to 10-15mins max, which I know is limiting. I’m trying my best to give DS2 the time he needs to be supported to sleep