Author Topic: 11 Months- STILL short naps  (Read 1543 times)

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11 Months- STILL short naps
« on: February 27, 2019, 03:25:33 am »
Hi there,

I’m at a total loss with my little guy and need help/advice with his schedule. I posted months back about his constant short naps and dreamed of the day that those 40 minutes would be a distance memory. I read and tried EVERYTHING and summed it up to just wait it out and it will all click. Here we are 11 months later and I’m beyond frustrated and am so tired of the short naps consuming me. Baby is on 2 nap schedule and for a while would consistently take a morning nap for 1.5 hours and afternoon either 45 mins or 1.5 hours and 11.5 hours overnight. Now he is down to 1.5 hour nap in the morning (sometimes will wake at 40) afternoon nap of 40 and 10.5 hours at night. See example schedule below. He’s decreased nap time AND night sleep.

I’m frustrated because he can either nap for 1.5 or 40 mins. It’s never in between showing that it’s a sleep cycles issue. I’m at my wits end and need advice. Second nap length decreased and night sleep decreased an hour. Is he overtired?  Is there something wrong with my schedule, does baby have something wrong with waking at 40 mins?  Anytime advice is helpful. Thank you!

Current Schedule:
6:15 wake (keep in crib until desired wake of 7:00)
9:15-10:45 nap
2:15/2:30-3/3:15 nap OR 2:15/2:30-3:45/4
Bed at 7 if short nap/bed at 7:30 long second nap

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Re: 11 Months- STILL short naps
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2019, 04:26:05 am »
Is he happy for most of the day? Or is he a grumpy mess.

To me it looks like he could be a LSN (low sleep need baby)
and he could be pushing towards 1 nap.
If he's falling asleep at 7 ish and waking a 6.15 that's close to 11 hours, but if he's in bed until 7am then that's down time and not awake time, so more like sleep than awake, so I do think the first nap could be too early and he's not mentally stimulated enough.

I'll be honest if he's happy for 90% of the day and he's sleeping through the night, you shouldn't worry and know that sometime in the next year or 2 he'll be giving up Naps completely.

dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05