I’m looking for your opinions or reassurance.
My LG was a terrible sleeper as a new born but we seemed to crack it when she found her thumb. she has been self settling since 3 months old and was beginning to sleep 7-2 with the occasional 7-6 sleep at night which was amazing.
Cue this week and she is back to waking twice a night (around 11 then 3) and I try to shhh pattt her but she just cries. I’ll feed her (she’s bottle fed expresses bm) and then goes back to sleep no problem. She is taking full 5oz feeds. She is also emw and just sitting chatting in her cot for hours from about 6.
I have an older LG so it can be hard to stick to a routine if we have things to do out of the house. My LG won’t nap well out and about, maybe half an hour. However if I am going out, I try to have one cot nap a day. She’ll often flip her routine naps around so the cat nap is when she is out and will have a bigger nap later in the day.
A typical day might look like:
Wu: 7 (I tend to ignore her emw until 7)
S: 9.15
Wu: 11.30 (she would sleep on if I let her)
S: 1.30
Wu: 2 (if we are out and about)
S: 4
Wu: 5.30
S: 7/7.30 for the night
Any thoughts on the wake ups and routine? Thanks!!