SLEEP > Naps

4 hours awake cicle


I’m having trouble figuring out what to do with her schedule now that we have gone down to 2 naps and I think thats making her wake early. She can stay awake for 4 hours sone times 4.5.

Ignoring the esrly wake up for the past weeks (which is usually between 5 and 6:30) this is how it goes
E 7:00
S between 10:30-11:00 (usually 35 min -1h we tried lengthening her naps but she is a happier baby when we let her be than when we “make” her sleep more)
E  between 11:15 and 11:45 (i think she sleeps less because shes hungry)
E+S This is where Im having most troble it gets to be 3:30-4:00 i think ok lets sleep and she is fully awake no yawns nothink. So no sleep.. lets eat because it has been 4hrs... i bf and my fully awake baby falls to sleep # fail.

What do I do with a  4 hour awake time, do i feed her more often or less often?


How old is your baby?
Do you give solids during activity time? If so, she shouldn't be waking because of hunger. Have you tried not breastfeeding after second A time so she wouldn't fall asleep while nursing? Does she usually fall asleep independently?

I'm guessing if she's on 2 naps she's over 6mo.if she's say 8mo then babies can often be on 3 meals and milk and not always feeding 4 hourly.
So something like
 7.30 m milk
8.30 solids
Noon milk
1pm solids
3pm milk
Afternoon mam
5.30pm solids
7pm milk
7.30pm bedtime

She’s almost 10 mo.

Has solids at 8:30 or 9, then at 2:00 and dinner at 5:00 or 5:30.

I haven’t tried skipping a milk feed. But have tried to let her fall asleep at around 10:30-11 ish in the am with out her milk feed and if we do this her naps are 30 min for sure.

Haven’t tried in the after noon though. We’ll give it a try.


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