My LB is 5months old and has a dream feed + 1 night feed every night. I’m wondering if the night feed is still normal at this age or whether I need tontry and drop it? My eldest dropped all night feeds by 4 months so I’m not sure!
Our current EASY is something like this (we’ve just started weaning on the advice of a Doctor);
6:30 WU
7:00 E milk (not always interested in this, even at 7:30, which is why I’m questioning the place of the night feed)
8:00 purée
S 8:30/9
E: 10:30 milk (this is often more like 10:15 if not had much when he gets up)
S: 11:30/45
E: 14:30/15:00
S: 15:30/16:00
17:00 purée
18:00 bath
18:30 E milk
18:45 BT
I then dream feed at 22:30, but he will sometimes wake for this himself between 22:00-22:30, and he wakes for a feed around 2/3am.
He currently takes about 5-6oz per bottle, including the nightfeed. I’ve tried reducing it down to 4oz but then he’s EW around 5-5:30am and I can only resettle with APOP/consleeping. On the nights where he has 6oz on the nightfeed he rarely does this.
Is it ok for him to be having such a large night feed at this age? If not, any tips on how to reduce it?
He’s not taking very much solids at the minute - he hates the spoon and I’m literally only getting a taste in. I’ve tried upping his bottles to 7oz but he still only takes 5-6oz. He used to have a feed at 17:00 until a few weeks ago and sometimes gets hungry again around the 17:30 mark. If he’s crying with it then I feed him and then he has a top up feed at BT. Sometimes he’s just a bit grizzly and I can jostle him through to BT without it.