SLEEP > Night Wakings

6 month old new night wakings.



My 6 month old used to sleep ok and only wake when hungry but now has started a new random wake up time where he seems to need APOP to get back to sleep.

He goes to bed around 18:45, then I dreamfeed still (also not sure if that’s advised?) at 22:30 - but he sometimes wakes for this himself within the 30mins before) and then he has a NF at 2/3am and then up around 6:30.

However, the last week or so he has been waking around 21:00, often 2-3times until 21:30 and won’t resettle with ssh/pat - often needs AP, rocking, to resettle. Any ideas why this could be? His A times and naps have recently changed and I’m not sure whether I need to tweak them to stop the night waking?

Hmm so last night we only had wakings when he was hungry.

E: 18:45
S: 19:00 (maybe slightly before)
E: 22:15
E: 2:45
WU 6:00

He was very wriggly and moving around a lot around the 21:00 mark, which is when he’s been habitually waking, but clearly last night managed to settle himself through it!

Please help - after one good night I’ve now had a few nights where he’s gone back to waking.

BT is 6:45/7pm and then he’s waking 3-4 times between 9-10pm, I dreamfeed at some point between 10-10:30pm and then he’s waking at 1am, 3am(nightfeed) and then EW at 5:45-6am

Hi, just wondering if things got any better for you.


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