Thank you.
Today hasn’t quite gone to plan but worked out like this...
(After another night with a lot of wakings, one of them pretty lengthy)
WU 6:15
S 8:45-9:00 (car nap on school run - which is 3 days a week - I cannot stop this most of the time and then when he goes back down for a nap varies hugely)
S: 10:15-11:15
S: 14:00 - 14:50 (resettled) 14:50 - 15:40
BT: 18:20
Very disjointed naps today, which haven’t helped, but I reduced the A time before bed to try and combat any OT.
I’m hoping that if I can get a half decent cycle of overnight sleep in, for a couple of nights, then he will be better rested for me to start pushing his A times to a more consistent 3 hours. At the minute we’re doing more like 2h45 because he’s constantly tired.
So he’s been quite wriggling and moany on and off but we managed to get to a 22:00 dreamfeed with no NW, which the last few nights hasn’t happened as he’s been waking 2-3 times in the first few hours after BT. He waking up and starting to cry when I went in to do the DF though, but has settled fine after. Hopefully this means he wasn’t as overtired at bedtime and I’ve helped things by keeping his A times at 2h45....