SLEEP > Night Wakings

7m/o frequent night wakings.

(1/10) > >>

Current EASY:

WU 6:15
S: 9:00-10:30/11:00
S: 13:30/14:00 - 15:15 latest (wakes for feed by this point)
BT: 18:30

We’ve recently seen a huge increase in NWs... 1-2 hourly from BT until WU.

Please help. One very desperate and tired Mama!

Hi there & welcome. Wakings soon after bedtime usually indicate overtiredness. I do think there is quite a long gap between the second nap and bedtime. Have you tried extending that nap? I think that might make all the difference. Do let me know how you get on :)

Thank you for your reply - it’s so much appreciated!

I have tried extending the nap but he generally only needs 1.5hours. He also finds it difficult to sleep past 3:15pm due to having a feed around 3/3:30pm. So the latest he goes is normally 3:20pm.

I was thinking about maybe bringing BT forward but then I’ll end up with EW and be in a vicious cycle I think.

Wakings all night long can often indicate fluid in the ears making them uncomfortable.
Teeth moving around can also be part of them being unable to drift back between cycles.

If he's had a cold or runny nose in the last month I'd see a Dr to get his ears checked.

All good points by PP. You could try bringing BT forward to 6 or maybe gradually pushing your A times. He's already doing quite well on that front though. My son is 7 months old as well and he is doing 3.20 at the moment, so almost the same. We have been getting NWs because he is moving around like crazy in his crib. Do you find the same thing happening?


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