I have started recording my baby's timings to try and get an EASY going.She will be 8 weeks tomorrow, she eats every 4 hours since day 1 so I am trying to adapt EASY to that. She is usually fine in the evenings and nights (apart from falling asleep which takes some settling) but in the mornings she is very unsettled. Here is the last couple of days worth of routines see if anyone can shed some light on whats happening?
E 7:00
A 1,5 hrs
S 8:30
WU 9
A 1.10 hrs
S 10:10
WU 10:40
E 10:50
S: 11;45 - 12:45 in the pram whilst out, wakes up has a meltdown, catnaps until E.
E 14:30
S 15:00
WU 18:00
E 18:15
S: a cat nap in the pram
S: 20:30
E : 23:00 (sleeps through it)
----onto next day-----
S: 7:30
WU 8:15
E 9:50
S: many catnaps, both at home and out in the pram, unsettled, I think OT.
E: 14:00
S: 15:10
E: 18:10
WU 19:00
S 20:30 (struggles to fall asleep, looks tired but have to resettle 5-6 times)
I dont know if I am expecting too much too soon, but I am trying to figure out what´s unsettling her so much in the mornings and why she needs so much help falling asleep in the evening (witching hour?).