Author Topic: Not sure whats happening in the mornings....  (Read 3882 times)

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Offline CattyPads

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Not sure whats happening in the mornings....
« on: May 09, 2019, 19:01:12 pm »

I have started recording my baby's timings to try and get an EASY going.She will be 8 weeks tomorrow, she eats every 4 hours since day 1 so I am trying to adapt  EASY to that. She is usually fine in the evenings and nights (apart from falling asleep which takes some settling) but in the mornings she is very unsettled. Here is the last couple of days worth of routines see if anyone can shed some light on whats happening?

E 7:00
A 1,5 hrs
S 8:30
WU 9
A 1.10 hrs
S 10:10
WU 10:40
E 10:50
S: 11;45 - 12:45 in the pram whilst out, wakes up has a meltdown, catnaps until E.
E 14:30
S 15:00
WU 18:00
E 18:15
S: a cat nap in the pram
S: 20:30
E : 23:00 (sleeps through it)
----onto next day-----

S: 7:30
WU 8:15
E 9:50
S: many catnaps, both at home and out in the pram, unsettled, I think OT.
E: 14:00
S: 15:10
E: 18:10
WU 19:00
S 20:30 (struggles to fall asleep, looks tired but have to resettle 5-6 times)

I dont know if I am expecting too much too soon, but I am trying to figure out what´s unsettling her so much in the mornings and why she needs so much help falling asleep in the evening (witching hour?).

Thanks  :)

Offline newkidontheblock

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Re: Not sure whats happening in the mornings....
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2019, 02:26:09 am »
Hey there. 8 weeks is still early days, so so many changes to keep it in mind - growth spurts, wonder weeks, the wonderful witching hour etc. Firstly, just putting it out there that 1.5 hours may be a tad too long for A times. If you want to give a try, you could try pulling back to an hour and see if it makes any difference. You might be getting short naps or unsettled naps due to overtired. Another thing I would suggest is making bedtime earlier. That might make all the difference in helping her settle for the night easily.  So basically, wake her up a bit earlier from the last nap  and put her to bed earlier. Is she sleeping from the DF through to the next morning?

Offline Katet

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Re: Not sure whats happening in the mornings....
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2019, 02:35:32 am »
Under 3mo babies do tend to have a few hours where they are unsettled, they tend to grow out of it.
Also I agree 1.5 hours could be too long so there is an overtired cycle.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline CattyPads

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Re: Not sure whats happening in the mornings....
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2019, 11:58:12 am »
Thank you for your advice, I will try it and let you know how it goes  :)